Greenpoint Gazette article: "Art and Economics: Trust Art"
Talisa Chang, a reporter for the Greenpoint Gazette, published a profile of Trust Art in time for the New Year. Here's the intro and link :
From installing a perfume-filled Humanity Fountain in McGolrick Park to turning a dilapidated street in Brooklyn into a park in Bushwick, healing Newtown Creek spiritually, creating a pop-up art school in Sergeant Dougherty Park, creating a self-sufficient house in the Dominican Republic out of New York Waste, setting up a bamboo bicycle building business in sub-Saharan Africa, creating giant pre-historic monuments off the coast of Maine, and finding dreamers in Berlin, Tokyo, New Mexico, and Johannesburg, the Trust Art organization’s projects aren’t lacking in ambition.
But with resumes boasting serious experience in art and economics, financial and in-kind support streaming in, and a nod from TED, which asked them to present at the annual conference in February, Trust Art founders Jose Serrano-Reyes, 30 and Seth Aylmer, 27 seem up to the challenge.
Trust Art takes the Kiva model of micro financing and the gift economy, and applies it to funding large-scale collaborative public art projects. Shareholders donate money, time, materials, and connections to the Trust Art projects, and as the projects are completed, they receive their donations back from other members of the Trust Art community.
Read the rest of the Greenpoint Gazette article.
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