A new path through TIME AND SPACE
The summer has presented some amazing opportunities to develop interactivity concepts and processes, in all sorts of contexts. It looks as though I will be representing Temporary Art Beauty Services at the Volta Fair in Basel this June. This disrupts the Trust Art schedule for the groundbreaking of the School of the Future. However, this project seems to be opening a lot of conceptual and physical doors that will lead back to the idea of developing new systems of education, which is the ultimately the goal of the School of the Future. I make public art, but I am exhibiting at an art fair. The art world is changing. Gallerists might not earn a profit on their investment in expensive art fair real estate, and so, a change in format is happening. Public art is being invited to fill the empty spaces presented by a worldwide recession. I'd like to think that I am participating in a revolution as I offer manic-cures, fine art tattoos, and T.A.B.S. products for barter or for tips. I am creating a cheap way for art fair viewers to consume some art, but I am also creating one on one interaction, and human contact where it has never been desired. This performance of art beauty education has never before crossed international borders, so I am very excited to see what type of reaction there is in Switzerland. Upon returning I will be heading to OxBow residency in Michigan with a group of collaborators as we experiment making building structures in the woods that provide shelter and that we can grow food in, lead foraging adventures, and learn how to live off that land. This project feeds directly into the architectural aspect of School of the Future, as we will be doing physical research about mobile site specific architecture. I will also be engaging in the process of finding and using resources in a very different context than in NYC. In a way, this is a type of education for me that seems necessary before I can pretend to understand and share the idea of realizing and creating unexpected bounty in new places. From Michigan, I will go back to a residency in Wisconsin, called Summerwork, where I hope to continue on a project I began two years ago with Andrew Dayton called Alternative Growth Research Institute. In this project we invite collaborators to come and create experiments and systems that will speed up the growth of genetically modified corn. In this project I believe that the instigation of magical theories around mundane stuff like corn becomes a skill that I will use forever and ever as I explore new ways of getting people excited about nothing and everything.
Reader Comments (1)
Wonderful post... Very informational and educational as usual!
Acai Optimum